Building a rocky little piece of terrain - Tutorial No3
Here is the third and also the last part of my little tutorial.
The construction of the pieces shown took me three days but only because of the fact that my hobby-work was steadily interrupted by real-life-work. :)
I let the brown paint dry again and started to dry brush the sanded areas with GW´s "graveyard earth" first.
This step was followed by dry brushing with GW´s "bleached bone".
Finally I used some "skull white" again for a last dry brush.
This just gives a smoother blending from the already white dry brushed rocks to the sanded parts.
Now it is time for the part I really do like the most:
Flocking or glueing the grass and flowers onto the base.
Therefore I used different material from "MiniNature".
I hope you like the following pics.
I do. :)
It´s up to you if you like to leave the terrain like this or to glue some trees on it.
I decided to decorate these two pieces with little trees again.
I just drilled little holes into the bark or the foam and glued the tree trunks into these holes.
I would like to say that the terrain pieces are ready for action.
But don´t forget where your next battle will be fought.
The terrain shown above will surely fit for northern regions.
But what about battles fought by Alexander the Great against the Persians in desert like regions?
Maybe you would need a dusty terrain.
Here´s an example how this could look like.
Step one:
Step two:
Step three:
I hope you enjoyed my little tutorial. :)
Bye bye