Saturday, September 14, 2024

Toysoldiers - A Templar Knight to be used as template for my 28mm figures

Manufacturer:   TeamMiniatures

Scale:   60mm (1:30)

Manufacturer:   Victrix

Scale:   28mm

Hi again,

this post is a mixture of different scales and also different collections.

I have bought the new Victrix 28mm mounted knights in order to paint them up as Templar Knights for gaming the rules of "LionRampant".

Just as an inspiration and also as a template I got me a Templar Knight from the ranges of TeamMiniatures. I love the color scheme of this figure and want to paint at least one unit of  my Templar cavalry in this style. 

Maybe I will do the other units in their completely white clothing. But I guess this will look a little bit boring. I will have to think about that. 




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