Monday, February 25, 2013

Our trip to TACTICA 2013 in Hamburg

Yes, we did it for the third time now and again we had a lot of fun.

This weekend Nick (Moiterei-1984), Christopher (Bunkerhill), Franz and I had been to the TACTICA in Hamburg and it really was great. 
750 kilometers by car on friday, a whole day of buying figures, terrain and gaming on saturday and a few hours at the fair on sunday and again 750 kilometers back by car.

We talked to a lot of kind and interesting people, had the opportunity to meet the Perry´s and even also talked to them while they showed how to sculpt miniatures.

Besides traders like WarlordGames, MagisterMilitium, DaveThomas and many more there had been a lot of participation games for different rules.

Christopher (aka Axebreaker) and I fought a very exciting Impetus-battle against two other guys.
I also was able to join a game of "Muskets&Tomahawks" and I liked it very much.

There also had been a "bring&buy" and we got some bargains there.

Here are some pictures I took at the TACTICA. 
I´m sure you will find more pictures on the website of the TACTICA within the next days. 
Just have a look at    

Nice build terrain everywhere.

The details on the gaming tables had been very cool.

Just some pictures for the fans of DystopianWars.

Though I don´t want to play this game I have to say that this gaming table could make me weak.

And another cool sight of the table.

The table already had been on TACTICA 2012, but it hasn´t lost its fascination.

The designer(s) of this table did a very good job.

And the last picture on DystopianWars.

I was able to buy this beautiful unit at the "bring&buy".

It´s unbelievable - I got it for 7 Euros. Yes, you got it right - 7 Euros.

A look into the showcase of DaveThomas.

Korean warriors of the Perrys.

The participation game of "Muskets&Tomahawks".

The figures were in 15mm scale.

Though I prefer 28mm the terrain and the figures looked very good and was a great inspiration for our own board.

The Redcoats awaiting the French attack.

The French are coming.

I sure will try the rules of "Muskets&Tomahawks". But Christopher and I will start it in 28mm.



  1. Greate looking pictures !

    Seems like a very nice event !

    Congratulation to the bring and buy find !

    Best regards Michael

  2. cool pics!!! it seems you guys had a wonderful weekend!!! :-)

    1. Yes, indeed. Eyerything had been perfect. Wonderful comrades to join the trip, a good Hotel, a lot of fun at the TACTICA itself and thank God no traffic jams.

  3. Thanks for driving us there Mike so we could all enjoy the event! It was absolutely wonderful and hope we do it again! Nice pics! That was indeed a fantastic Impetus game and the Perry twins were a class act and super nice. I need to get hot on painting the French marines!


    1. You're welcome. I'm sure this hadn't been the last trip to an event like this. Maybe CRISIS in November?

  4. Thank you guys for a great Trip! I think "Sitzkrieg-Heroes Hollfeld" should attend to the next Tactica too :-)

    1. And to Ulm, Ingolstadt, Kulmbach, Leipzig (200th anniversary of the battle of Leipzig) and CRISIS. :)
      No problem.

  5. Schoen das das auch fuer Euch gut gelaufen ist, und die Samurai hatte ich mal irgendwann angemalt. ;--)

  6. Hey,
    die musste ich einfach haben. Die sehen so klasse aus. Hast Du Dich auch nicht beim Preis vertan?
    Wenn nicht, dann sag mir Bescheid, wenn Du noch mehr davon zu solchen Preisen abzugeben hast. :)

  7. Lieber Miike, Danke für den Bericht von der Tactica. Ich habe mit Matthias Manske gesprochen, ob er nicht auch dort mal ausstellen sollte, Deine Eindrücke sind wirklich mitreissend. Danke dafür!
    LG, Peter

    1. Hallo Peter,
      das wäre für Matthias eine gute Idee. Vielleicht kann ich ihn beim nächsten Sammlertreff mal ansprechen. Er hat mir gesagt, du würdest in Schwandorf wohnen. Stimmt das?

    2. Hallo Mike, jetzt hab ich mich lange nicht gemeldet und wollte gerade heute mal nachfragen, ob es Dir gut geht. Machte mir Sorgen. Ja, ich wohne neuerdings in Schwandorf - viel Platz, nette Leute - erhole mich von ein paar Treffern so langsam.
