Friday, May 5, 2023

SevenYearsWar - Regiment Rouergue completed

Manufacturer:   FrontRank

Scale:   28mm


one of my aims is to finish some of my begun projects and to reduce my pile of shame. So this post is about a unit of the French SYW Regiment Rouergue. I started painting this unit more than 10 years ago having the unit of 16 men strength. At this time I wanted to play the rules of "Maurice" of Sam Mustafa. In the rules the infantry units had been 16 men strong.

A few years ago I decided to increase my regiments from 16 to 20 men to give them a more symetric look having the banners in the middle of the five bases.

All my newer units had been put to this strength but I didn´t complete the older ones. 

Last week I spent my time on painting the missing four miniatures for this unit and here is the result. :)

