Monday, September 2, 2024

Revisiting the "Historicum" in Schmalkalden - and flashed again

Manufacturers:   almost every single manufacturer you could imagine

Scale:   mostly 60mm (1:30)


this post is about another visit to the "Historicum" in Schmalkalden, a very beautiful town in Thuringia, Germany.

Now I have been there for three times in order to visit this great musem within two years and I was flashed again. This time three members of the "Vereinigung freie Zinnfigurensammler, Nürnberg", a club of collectors for lead soldiers joined me and we had a real good day.

I have to point out that this museum is not run by the town of Schmalkalden. Its owner Stefan Gampe is running this museum privately and having this in mind it is even more impressive looking at this very huge collection of toysoldiers, the terrain and the love that was put in arranging every single display.

Stefan gave us a special tour and as we had not been the normal tourists just going through the rooms and saying "ah" and "oh", we had a lot of conversation concerning the hobby of collecting soldiers. 

I have already published two other posts on my blog about this museum with a lot of pictures and tried to take photos of things I did not notice during the last visits. Sorry - in fact this visit caused another 180 pictures. Even if you won´t have a look at all of the photos this should give you an idea of how huge this collection really is.

The museum shows thousands of soldiers and space is getting rare. So Stefan is acutally expanding this museum and so it will become about twice its actual size. He also gave us a private tour to the almost restored rooms. This was a great honour because I am sure that this does not happen to every visitor.

Stefan wants to be ready with the expansion in July next year. There will also be a fair or convention in Schmalkalden next year concerning tin soldiers in August  (like the Zinnfigurenbörse in Kulmbach).

This museum is really worth a visit for every collector. So if you have the chance to get there - do it. You won´t be disappointed.




  1. What a feast for the eyes, a real treat! I know for a fact I will come back again and again to pore over these lovely figures and vignettes.

    1. Hi Donnie. :)
      I am always flashed by looking at the photos and much more seeing this collection in real life. Thanks for your compliments. If you should have the opportunity to make a trip to Germany - don´t miss this museum.
