Manufacturers: FireForgeMiniatures, GamesWorkshop and some more that I don´t know
Scale: 28mm
Hi again,
my most favorite ages of warfare are the SevenYearsWar, the FrenchIndianWar and the AmericanWar of Independence. But I am also interested into ancient and medieval warfare. For the latter we have discovered "Lion Rampant 2nd Edition" as a very good rulesystem for large skirmish games. Though thiese rules had been released a few years ago (and we included this system into our collections at their release) we have found our real interest on this rulesystem about one or two months ago.
We have already played at least three games using these rules now within the last two weeks and are highly motivated to keep on doing that. So yesterday we had another game by playing the third scenario that´s in the book.
The scenario is explained here:
This is how the battlefield look like before placing the terrain pieces which we chose randomly by using the terrain generator within the book.
The lighter green area is the normal gaming size (6" by 4"). For eyecandy I decided to place some more terrain at the edges - so there is a town that fits to the scenario. |
In the middle of the gaming table is the siege tower that has to be destroyed by the forces of the town. |
The besieged town - sorry for the unfinished pieces of terrain. But as you all know also in real life a town and its defense works had not been finished within one day. :) |
The camp of the occupying forces. |
These archers will be a part of the forces. |
A complete look onto the battlefield from the west ... |
... and alos from the east. |
After placing the terrain pieces of at least five woods and two hills the battlefield looked like this. The terrain was placed alternatively by both gaming partners.
The terrain laid down - it should protect the defending units from fast riding cavalry. |
The archers placed in the woods before the siege tower and the heavy infantry next to it. As told in the scenario the defender is allowed to place units with a maximum of 10 points next to the objective. |
Gerhard´s Teutonic Knights are placed for their attack. |
And also the reinforcements of the Polish forces are preparing to leave their camp in order to support the defending units at the siege tower. |
In addition to the official rules we decided to install a house rule - every time the result for checking for movement is a doublet the movement range is also doubled. This is only for movement checks and not for attacks or shooting.
We also gave our warbands another 8 points for upgrading the forces. so 24 points per force became 32 points.
And this is how the fight took place:
Großmeister Gerhard is starting his attack |
The Polish archers take better position within the woods for better shooting. |
The Polish heavy infantry is building a wall of spears awaiting the Teutonic cavalry that is supposed to come other the hill. |
The Polish cavalry galloping to the hot spot. |
The first fire of the Teutonic crossbowmen .. |
... causes two casualties on the archers. |
While the Teutonic infantry is coming closer to the woods ... |
... two cavalry units come real close to the Polish heavy infantry. Gerhard was able to roll a double movement. A houserule that gives the game a further special effect. |
Two activation fails on the Polish cavalry. Only one unit is allowed to move. |
The Polish archers take aim on the Teutonic heavy infantry and one knight is eleminated. |
The Teutonic Crossbowman on horses kill one man of the first Polish Elite cavalry. |
In addition the Teutonic Elite cavalry starts an attack on the reduced Polish cavalry. But the Polish are able to counter charge. |
Lucky Polish cavalry manages to throw the Teutonic knights back. But both units are reduced to half of their strength. |
Just a side note: a unit normally fights or shoots with 12 dice until it is reduced to half of its original strength. If this occurs the unit is only allowed to fight with at least 6 dice. This makes it harder for the unit to kill their opponents and also makes it very vulnerable if it is attacked or shot at by a unit allowed fighting or shooting with 12 dice.
Another volley of arrows causes another two casualties on the Teutonic heavy infantry. |
At the same time the Polish cavalry follows up the Teutonic cavalry ... |
... causes another two casualties on them and the Teutonic unit retreats again. |
The Teutonic crossbowmen now take aim on the unit of the Polish leader and lift at least one man out of the saddle. |
Meanwhile the heavy infantry reaches the woods and attacks the Polish archers. |
One knight and two archers are killed and the Polish unit has to fall back. But it is not battered. |
Now the fresh unit of Grossmeister Gerhard is attacking the reduced Polish cavalry unit. |
Only the special character of this unit survives and the Teutonic knights loose one man. |
Just an act of bravery - the last man standing also attacks the superior Teutonic knights |
As expected the single cavalryman has no chance and dies. But he manages to kill the Großmeister and another Teutonic cavalryman. |
For those who are not familiar with the rules - every time the unit of the leader or the unit including a special character (which can be added to a unit by using one of the uprading points) takes casualties the relating unit has to test if the leader itself or the special character has fallen. By rolling a double one this event takes place. This is called a "lucky blow". Gerhard was unlucky and rolled a double one.
Loosing your leader also causes a morale test on all units of related force and gives one glory point to the opponent.
If a special character is killed the related force does not have to test its morale but the opponent also gets one glory point.
So - one glory point for Gerhard´s Teutonic force and also one glory point for Franz´s and my Polish force.
As the Teutonic leader has lost his life in battle the Teutonic units have to check their morale. The heavy infantry fails this test and is leaving the battle field. Lucky event for the Polish archers for they are not under heavy pressure any more. Only the Teutonic Crossbowmen are still in front of them. |
The Teutonic cavalry with crossbows kill another Polish cavalryman. |
The Polish force is failing their movement tests and so within the next activation phase the Teutonic cavalry is able to do a rearrangement of their forces. |
The Polish units are also taking new position. |
Now it is the glorious moment of the Teutonic crossbowmen. Their volley causes as many casualties on the archers to make them leaving the battle field completely. So there is no more defending unit within the woods. |
A new cavalry attack of the Teutonic Elite cavalry ... |
... makes the Polish unit to retreat and loosing one man. |
The Teutonic unit follows up and the Polish cavalry manages to roll for a counter charge ... |
.. with an horrible outcome - Though the Teutonic unit looses one fighter the Polish unit with its leader is totally destroyed. Another glory point for Gerhard. |
The following morale test makes causes a retreat on the Polish infantry and they loose their good formation with wall of spears. The Polish mounted archers stand firm. |
And the mounted archers attack the Teutonic cavalry. |
They kill two Teutonic men by taking one casualty.of their own. |
Demoralized the last knight leaves the ground. |
A perfect dice roll of Gerhard gives a double movement to the Teutonic crossbowmen. Just one mor move and they will reach the siege tower. Remembering the victory conditions of the scenario - the attacker has to get in base contact with the objective with at least one single figure to be able to win the game. |
No chance for the Polish infantry to move fast enough to get into the way. The only chance for the Polish force to win the game is to destroy at least half of the Teutonic warband´s points in units. The starting value had been 32. At the moment it is 18. So only two more points to destroy. |
So in an act of desperation the Polish mounted cavalry attacks the Teutonic mounted cavalry. And fails to destroy it, The Teutonic unit has to retreat but it still on the board. |
The last stand of the Polish force. The infantry is shocked and their test for movement is a fail. |
The Teutonic crossbowmen manage to get into contact with the siege tower. |
They Teutonic force has won the scenario. Congratulations to Gernard. |
The end of the game was a great victory for Gerhard.
He had won 5 glory points: 3 for winning the sceanario, and 1 each for killing the Polish leader and also the Polish special character.
The Polish managed to get one glory point by killing the Teutonic Großmeister.
We had a lot of fun and enjoyed playing this scenario very much. We are all looking forward to have another game real soon. :)
For those who are interested into the siege-tower - this was built by myself.
A "making-of" can be found on this blog here:
Nice looking game and looks like you had fun. I own the rules, but haven't tried them yet.
Hi Christopher, yes it has been a lot of fun and I am sure that these rules would be also interesting for you. I am sure you will like them.