this post is about our trip to "Warfare 2024" in Farnborough.
Franz, Bernd, Walter and I decided to visit this show a few months ago. We had never been to a wargaming show in England before and just wanted to know about the difference to conventions in Germany like "Tactica" and also "Crisis" in Antwerp.
It took us two days to get there by car from Bavaria and using a ferry from Calais to Dover for the first time had been a little adventure itself. After staying in Farnborough for three nights our trip home took us another two days. A distance of about 2.500 kilometers, but it was worth the efforts.Driving on the left side of the road was aslo very unusual at first. We managed this quite well, but we don´t know about tickets from the police right now. So keep your fingers crossed. :)
The show had been very large and there had also been a lot of people. But the great thing was that though there had been a lot of visitors there was enough space so it did not seem to be overcrowded.
And - every single person had been very polite so we enjoyed the show very much.
My personal highlight was to meet Ray Rousell in person. You should have a look at his great blog here
Here are some photos of this very cool event. It was a lot of fun and we are already making plans about visiting "Partizan" next year. Clear all the streets for we plan to go there by car again. :)
For more information about this show you should also have a look at the following links:
The entrance |
About 5 to 10 minutes after entering the show I was lucky to meet Ray Rousell. From left to right: Ray, my comrade Bernd, Lee and me. |
This was a stunning terrain of Stalingrad. |
A table with very nicely painted figures. |
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I like this jungle terrain very much. |
Battle of Trafalgar. |
An impressive table about D-Day. |
A game using the rules of Armati - a rulesystem we also used to play some years ago. |
One of the many stalls offering fantastic terrain pieces. |
Someday I am gonna try to rebuild this ponton bridge for sure. |
That´s why I took some extra photos of it. |
One of the tables for tournament. |
"Get Rommel" |
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This gaming table was one of my personal favorites because of its topic and the terrain. |
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Hey Christopher (aka Axebreaker) - this is the kind of stuff we both like... |
..fantastic terrain and warfare in AWI. |