Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Terrain: Building a wooden fort for my FIW toysoldiers - WIP - Part 2

Manufacturer:   selfmade from styrofoam

Scale:   60mm (1:30)

Hi again,

here is an update on my WIP of constructing a wooden fort by using styrofoam. There is still a long way to go as I will need to build some more sections like straight sections, corner sections, a gate and some buildings. 

Due to the scale the build will need a lot of space. But I want to build the fort modular so it can be placed in different styles like I already did while building my fort in scale 28mm for "Muskets&Tomahawks".

So here are some pictures about my last efforts on this project. 

Hope you like it. :)



The first corner section is finished and ready for being painted.

Some of the straight sections are also finished.

Some defenders.

As always I could not resist to place the WIP within a little fighting scene.


  1. Your build is taking shape very nicely and always good to have a run out, especially with so many lovely miniatures on show!
