Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Dead Man´s Hand - WIP Part 3 - Buildung a Ranch from Sarrissa

Manufacturer:    Sarrissa Precision

Scale:   28mm


today´s post is about my newest efforts on building or better finishing the Ranch of Sarrissa Precision.

This is how the Ranch is shown on the website of Sarrissa Precision. 


Painting mdf is a always a struggle. Also the flat roof tiles with the sections where you can see the connection of the different parts are not real eyecandy. So I decided to pimp the model a little bit. I already did a similar work on another model of Sarrissa that came out quite cool.


Thank you for following part three of this modelling tutorial. Here is the photo-session.

After fixing wallpapers to all of the parts I realized that it would look much
 better to add some inner window frames. 

One reason why the gap between the last WIP-post and this post was the fact
that it was quite hard to find suitable wooden sticks in the right size. I found
some on ebay but they didn´t work very well for they easily broke. After some
time I finally found not ideal but much more better sticks in a hobby store.

Painting the frames with an acryl pen is really easy because you have more
control on a pen than on a brush. But unfortunately the pen got empty and
lost its opacity. 

So I had to finish the painting of the frames in the old style by using a brush
and normal acrylic paints.

Assembling and painting the window frames room by room and fixing the
first parts.

Also the doors got a frame.

The finished and fixed first floor.

The three parts of the Ranch so far.
I will have to do the same procedure on the ground floor. I missed to fix
window frames inside here.

Work in process - outside some windows are missing.
That´s for I had to check how the shingles would look like and how their
height would influence the transition to the windows.

The idea I got was to give the windows and the roof another layer of wooden sticks to get a better
transition between the shingles and the windows. 

I also put on two sticks on the sloping edges of the roof.

After this I went on to put "shingles" onto the roof. Therefore I used coffee stirs.

Not perfect, but not too bad. The painting and also some flock will hide it.

The first of the three roof parts of the first floor is done. This picture shows the difference between the
original roof of the model on the left and my version of the roof on the right. In my opinion my version
gives more depth and effect. The shingles are not fixed in a straight line. This also will give some more realism to the model.

After about 3 hours of work the shingles from the first floor had been glued 
into place. Next step will be to do the shingles on the main roof. But that will
be done within the next WIP.

It came out quite well in my opinion.

The paintjob will be done after having finished the main roof.

To be continued ...



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