Sunday, March 23, 2025

SYW - Placing my Austrian army

Manufacturers:   FrontRank, WargamesFoundry, CrusaderMiniatures, DreispitzMiniatures

Scale:   28mm


not in the mood for modelling buildings or painting figures due to less time or missing inspiration I often take some of my stuff and place it on my gaming table to get my motivation back.

So it did happen again today. Not enough nerves or time to paint or build up something, but enough time to place some terrain and some miniatures.

And this is today´s result - my Vauban fortress occupied by my compelte SYW Austrian Army.

The fortress still needs to be painted up a bit, the gate is missing and I thought of building some houses for the units. But it already can be called "ready for action". I hope that there will come a day that the fortress finds a place within a game as a piece of terrain.

Hope you like it.



A complete view on the arrangement of the fortress and all miniatures of my SYW Austrian army.

Here you can see that the painting has not been finished yet. On the left side you can see the result I
want to have on the complete fortification -  I want the stones at the edges at the bottom and the top 
to be white and some stones in the centre to be in some brownish colors. Looks more interesting.

The wall on the right side looks cool, too. But I like the style on the left side much more.
Also the gate is still missing.

Some pieces of artillery need some men handling the guns.

A good alternative to the missing houses for the garnison´s unit is to glue some doors and windows
onto the longer sections, This would save me from doing a lot of additional work.
The second advantage doing this would be that there would be still enough place within the fortress
to place a lot of figures. With some additional houses this space maybe would get too small.

A real Vauban fortress without houses. This would be a perfect alternative to building houses.


  1. Looks very impressive Mike, great looking fort and your Austrian army is lovely, super parade of them.

    1. Many thanks, Donnie. :)
      I am very proud of my SYW Austrian collection.

  2. A parade or review is a good motivator. Both the fortification and its defenders look formidable. A most enjoyable post. Thanks

  3. Your fortress and troops look superb Mike!

