Saturday, May 18, 2024

A visit to the "Musée de´l Armée" in Paris



today´s post is another one about our latest museums´ tour we did in the end of April this year.

A lot of interesting information about Napoleonic Wars, but very few about the SevenYearsWar. There was only one small room about this period of warfare.

Very impressive is the part showing armours and weapons of the middle ages. Most of the following pictures are about this huge collection.

Unfortuneately the part with the exhibition of more than 100.000 toy soldiers was closed due to renovation work. It would have been the personal highlight for me.

On the day of our visit there had been a state reception within the museum for a delegation of the state of Congo. Though security staff drove us away we had the chance to have a short look at the ceremony with the band playing the hymns. So - a little highlight to remember. :)

Here are some pictures from the "Musée de´l Armée" in Paris and also some pictures of the city sights we have seen on our walk through Paris. We have been walking about 20 kilometers on each of our two days in Paris. :)

Hope you like the pictures.



Dóme de invalides

Some impressions of Paris

If you are in Paris don´t miss to try a traditional onion soup. :)

The Louvre