Thursday, May 16, 2024

Visiting "Musée des Plans-Reliefs" in Paris - Stunning models of Vauban-Fortresses



today´s post is a side-post concerning our visit of the "Musée de l´Armée" in Paris in April 2024.

As the Army Museum is very huge I decided to split this post. So the integrated "Musée des Plans-Reliefs" will be specially honored.

The museum shows a lot of stunning models of fortresses following the plans of  Marquis de Vauban, 

Here is some more information about Vauban himself, the museum and also about Vauban fortresses.

I like the style of the fortresses very much and it is always eyecandy. I would really like to play some scenarios using such fortresses.

Especially the fortifications of  Mont-Saint-Michel are incredible and made me think of Minas Thirit from "Lord of the rings". Maybe Peter Jackson just used Mont-Saint-Michel for inspiration?

Hope you like the pictures. :)



Mont-Saint-Michel  - or -  Minas Thirit ???

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